Sermon: "Shepherd’s Pie" (April 25 2021)

Scripture: John 10:11-18 Sermon Title: Shepherd’s Pie Date: April 25 2021 Location: United Church of Hyde Park YouTube, Spotify, 1. Greeting/opening 1.1 What’s PAAM in UCC “Peace be with you. 평화를 빕니다 . Peng-An.” PAAM – Pacific Asian American Ministry was founded in 1974 in the United Church of Christ. The first gathering was in San Francisco, with 100 participants. PAAM is also one of the historically underrepresented groups recognized by UCC. The visions of PAAM are many; three of them are as following: [1] (vision 4) To encourage Pacific Islanders and Asian Americans of all ages to affirm their unique ethnic and cultural identities and to develop their theologies. (vision 5) To facilitate the involvement of Pacific Islanders and Asian Americans in instrumentalities, agencies, task forces, conferences, associations, and all other settin...