The Plumb line and where to find it (July 10 2022)

S cripture: Amos 7:7-17 Sermon: The Plumb line and where to find it Date: July 10 2022 Location: United Church of Hyde Park 0. Greetings The Book of Amos is a famous book and a controversial one used by people for different purposes. Such as Martin Luther King’s famous “ I have a dream ” speech quotes from the Book of Amos, saying “ LET JUSTICE ROLL DOWN ” (Amos 5:24) to “denounces religious hypocrisy and economic inequality.” [1] The connection between social justice and Amos was strongly secured during the civil rights movement in the 1970s. However, and ironically, the same verse is also used by some conservative Christians, such as “pro-life Christians,” to denounce those too liberal/pro-choice Christians. They are worried that the evil behavior will bring humankind back to the dark age, and then suffer from the wrath of God. [2] 1. the background and context of/around the scripture There are five visions of Amos from God in this book. The scripture is ...