"Be with the Lord forever" (Transgender Day of Remembrance, TDoR 2023) (November 12, 2023)

Date: November 12, 2023 Occasion: Transgender Day of Remembrance and candle lighting service at United Church of Hyde Park Sermon title: “Be with the Lord forever” Scriptures: Amos 5:18-24, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 0. Prayer Would you join me in the prayer after the candlelight. Our God, Our Divine, Our Creator, bless those who are in our hearts on this day of remembrance, named or unnamed - young and old, of every race, faith, and gender experience whose lives were stolen by violence. We pray in your embrace there is now comfort, there is now love, there is now peace. Bless those who survive, and continue to see a new day rise in the rays of your sun. Bless every beautiful gender of your creation. Bless us in all our different lives and experiences. We know your image is abundant and refuses any limit or constraint that says there is only one right way to be. We know in you, the possibilities are endless and each and every are holy sparks of life. (prayer by Sonny...