The Images of the Shepherd (April 21, 2024)

Sermon title: " The Images of the Shepherd" Given scripture: Psalm 23 and John 10: 11-18 * link to the sermon video We have two scriptures today, and we are going to go through some images present in them regarding “the shepherd” together. And then to see if we can find new meanings in our context. 1. Psalm and David’s shepherd The first scripture is from the Hebrew Bible, Psalm 23. It might be one of the most famous and well-memorized scriptures in the Christian bible. (1) Where and when did I learn Psalm 23. I first learned about Psalm 23 in a small bible study. At that time, I was drawn to the Christian religion and would like to know about that. There were several paintings in the church. One of them is a man holding a sheep. A man with a light skin tone and long white hair held a small sheep in one arm and a shepherd staff in one hand. And there is a glow behind both that man and the sheep. Most of us might also know ...