
Showing posts from 2018

Fall 2018 Review (before the eve of Christmas) by Charing / Wei-Jen Chen

Fall 2018 Review (before the eve of Christmas) by Charing / Wei-Jen Chen This coming Christmas is very different than it should usually be. I have finished the first stage of the doctoral program at Chicago Theological Seminary, which means I have taken the required 12 courses and gotten ready for my field and comprehensive exams, the stage of Pre-Candidate of Ph.D. As a minister of UCC (Member In Discernment, Chicago Metropolitan Association), it has been the first-year anniversary journey. I have a deeper insight into my preparation for my local church ministry and cross-cultural evangelical works. I presented an academic paper at Society of Biblical Literature (SBL), one of the most important organizations in the US. I also kept engaging in the reformation movement via the Chicago Chapter, The Reformation Project, and Queer Theologians Illinois (QTI). The last course I took is Theological Method , taught by Prof. Seo at CTS. This course helped me have a deeper and wider...


2018 秋季的回顧(在聖誕節前夕):煒仁 / 查令的學習報告 今年的聖誕節對許多人來說意義深遠。 我完成了 芝加哥神學院 (Chicago Theological Seminary, ) 博士課程當中的第一關,把 12 門課修完了,進入準備資格考試 (field and comprehensive exam) 的「 前博士候選人 」階段 (Pre-Candidate) ,將要準備四項不同的領域考試以及相應論文大網的口試;在 UCC 的傳道服事滿一年,對於預備自己成為地方教會與跨文化傳道工作更有認識;在美國最重要的聖經協會 (SBL) 發表了論文;在芝加地區的教會改革運動 (TRP Chicago 與 QTI) 的參與。 Theological Method 這門課除了回顧歷代的哲人如何做神學之外,也觸及重要的哲學思潮,讓我對「詮釋學」有更廣的認識:不僅只是聖經神學,而是每項知識都在這個範籌之中。有一個特別的講座,主講者是前美國 Paul Tillich 研究社的主席。課堂中,我負責報告了 Radical Orthodoxy (John Milbank) 、德里達與解構 (Derrida and Deconstruction) 以及後殖民神學 (R.S. Sugirtharajah) 。期未報告的主題是 C.S Song 的故事神學與 George Lindbeck 的 Cultural-Linguistic Model 神學方法的比較,報告仍然在進行當中。 Pastoral Care and LGBTQ Experience 這門課擔任助教,由於是進階的課程,班上也有其他 Ph.D. 與 D.Min. 的同學一起修課與討論,是很實境的牧養議題,由於教授本身是出櫃的已婚男同志牧師 Rev. Dr. Cody J. Sanders ,他的博士論文以及相關的著作及出版讓我有非常多的學習,也更明白在基督教倫理框架下,仍有許多要與時具進的部份。我人來的學習研究與出版計畫也可以從教授的模式當中得到啟示。在課堂中我有一次的專講,主題是 Equal marriage debates in Taiwan and the challenges of past...