Topic : The healing in Gospel according Matt Date : 2014-05-30 It’s the report writing in all English for my first time. And I really need to practice more and try to prepare for the advanced learning and writing in the future. About “Leprosy”. It is a kind of diseases and the principle symptom is on cutaneous. Leprosy was endemic in various parts of the ancient orient, and is a abhorrence by the Hebrews seen as defile and unclean, and should be banished from society. Matt 11:5 ( and 10:8) uses “ λεπροὶ “, an plural noun, the single noun is “ λεπρός ” used in Matt 26:6, to describe part of the work done by the Christ. The term occurs 9 times only. Lepros occurs in the LXX in Lev. 13:45, 14:2f, 22:4 and Num. 5:2, it means more than the clinical leprosy (Hansen’s disease) and sometimes refers to skin eruption in different levels. So the term lepros is flexible in interpretation. Another term “ λέπρα ” occurs 4 times in Matt 8:3, Mk 1:42 and Lk 5:12, translated in “full of ...