Reformer of the month (from The Reformation Project, October 2018)

Reformer of the Month

The Reformer of the Month Column is dedicated to reformers who are working for change—reformers who inspire us all to work for a global church that is fully affirming of LGBTQ people.

This month, please join us in honoring Wei-Jen Chen, the TRP leadership cohort alum and Taiwanese doctoral student at Chicago Theological Seminary that translated our inclusion pocket guides into Mandarin. Wei-Jen holds a Master of Divinity from Tainan Theological College and Seminary where he was valedictorian of his class and is a social reformer in Taiwan where he was a member of the Executive Committee of the Tainan Chapter of the Taiwan Green Party (2015) and spokesperson of the Kaohsiung Pride Parade (2015). 
Wei-Jen joined TRP's leadership cohort in January of this year, and began working as a leader with TRP's Chicago chapter to change Chicago-area churches to become more affirming. He also partnered with another TRP leadership alum, Anthony Aguinaldo, to form the group Queer Theologians Illinois
Thank you, Wei-Jen, for your tireless efforts to make the church a better place for LGBTQ people in Taiwan and in Chicago! 

The Programming Minute

Myles Markham, TRP's programs and organizing coordinator, takes a minute to equip you with the tools you need to change your church and faith community to be fully affirming of all LGBTQ people.
While it has been a joy and honor for us to produce resources that address the biblical case for same-sex relationships, trans inclusion, the connection between the LGBTQ movement and racial justice, we cannot overlook the ways in which access to our resources have been limited to English-language readers.
At TRP, we say our vision is of a global church that fully affirms LGBTQ people. While our print materials have been helpful tools for our leaders working for change in Canada, the UK, and our chapters in Melbourne and Sydney, Australia, we are now pleased to introduce to you our first translated resources!
Thanks to one of our outstanding leadership cohort alum, Wei-Jen Chen, a Taiwanese doctoral student focusing on the queer interpretation of the Hebrew scripture at the Chicago Theological Seminary, we are able to release for free all of our pocket guides in Mandarin. Please share them with anyone you know who speaks Mandarin.

This is just the first language that any of our materials have been translated into. Spanish is next, and we can’t wait to share those with you in the coming months. In the meantime, feel free to check out the translated transcript of Matthew’s original viral YouTube video from 2012 that has been translated into ten different languages or PFLAG’s national site to take advantage of how they’ve synced their web presence with Google Translate.
(retrieved from The Reformer's Report: October Newsletter, The Reformation Project)


Unknown said…
我在美國芝加哥出生,5-15 歳在台灣長大,現在美國加州聯合衛理公會的傳道人。我的教會是同一個混合人種、混合文化的衛理公會,我在這間教會23 年,前年我開始探討神要我走牧會的路,今年正式申请并在聯合衛理公會中開始填写種種身份、靈命的認證。我的教會於七年前正式成為衛理公會中歡迎LGBTQ的教會,而中文堂因爲教友的信仰新(70% 大陸人,25% 台灣人,還有一些星马香港的弟兄姐妹)而受到牧師轉換時影響他們對於接受LGBTQ的想法和態度。我是三個孩子的母親,老大是Gender Non-Binary, non conforming 將要大學畢業。
我覺得我們走的路十分類似,希望有機會互相扶助。 孔李立德傳道

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