讓-呂克.南希(Jean-Luc Nancy) 在其作著《文集》(Corpus)裡對LGBT基督徒爭議貢獻
題目:讓-呂克.南希(Jean-Luc Nancy) 在其作著《文集》(Corpus)裡對LGBT基督徒爭議貢獻
Topic: The contributes of Jean-Luc Nancy’s thoughts in Corpus towards debates of LGBT Christians
In this essay, I will discuss certain concepts from Corpus: body, spirit, sense and touch; singular and with other; incarnation, flesh and salvation. I will summarize Nancy’s ideas and quote related debates of LGBT Christians, especially in queer perceptive, to point out how Nancy’s thoughts are different from the traditional Christian perspective and toward post-modern further. As the course ‘Post-Christian Theology’, “[p]ost-Christianity, a move beyond and out of Christianity, is not the only possible response to living with Christianity’s problematic legacy.”[1] That means I need to point out what Christianity or the limitation might be, and then how can it possible to be transcended. That might "[to] say that one has entirely left ‘Christianity’ behind, to say that one has moved definitively into the 'post-Christian' camp, requires a fairly fixed and monolithic definition of what Christianity actually is."[2] This will be a challenge but also a chance for Christian churches’ attitudes toward LGBT, for LGBT communities and for myself, an orthodox disciplined queer seminarian.
1. 南希的經驗:從將死之人到重生(Nancy’s experience: from dying to resurrection)
2. 身體、靈、感覺、碰觸:知覺的限制(body, spirit, sense and touch: the limitation of awareness)
3. 單一及與他者:關係與複雜性(singular and with other: the relation and multiplicity)
4. 道成肉身、肉體與拯救:虛已以及愛之熱切(incarnation, flesh and salvation: kenosis and passion of love)
5. 結論:對LGBT基督徒的挑戰(conclusion: the challenges for LGBT Christians)
註2:由於時間的關係,所以原本仍有另一小節,名為:性別主義、種族主義與資本主義:界限以及之外的世界 (sexism, racism and capitalism: boundaries and the world beyond)未能完成論述以及文法修訂,就全部刪除了。
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[1] Cornwall, Controversies in queer theology (Hymns Ancient and Modern Ltd, 2011), 193, quotes from Marcella Althaus-Reid.
[2] Ibid., 202.